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WELCOME to my colorful pages ...

Since I was 6 years old, I have been fascinated by cacti. In the course of time I have intensified my hobby and specialized in the genus Echinocereus. Collecting cacti is like an addiction. I created this homepage to help all addicts - and those who want to become one. In addition to tips and tricks for care and reproduction, I also let you participate in my life with cacti. You can also get seedlings from my shop or swap them with me.


I hope you enjoy looking, reading and also being amazed...

About us

Der Versand von Kakteen aus meinem Webshop findet ganzjährig, frostgeschützt statt!
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Stories of cacti

Here you will find interesting things from my experiences with cacti and other succulents: wonderful pictures of flowers, fascinating travel reports or a sweaty documentation of how a glass house is built.

Practical tip


Valerian flowers contain special blooming and growth hormones that can also work small wonders on cacti and succulents. By watering or spraying the cacti, the hormones penetrate through the epidermis (skin) of the cactus.

It normally takes 3 to 6 years for a cactus to produce these flowering hormones itself and thus to reach sexual maturity. By applying the valerian flower extract, the cactus absorbs these hormones much earlier. In the case of young cacti the first flower formation can take place much earlier and in older cacti an increase in the flowering hormone in the body can be achieved.

Watch My Videos

Effect of my valerian flower extract on Mammillaria guelzowiana var. Robustior

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with cacti

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